UDub Minecraft Virtual Commencement 2020

Mura Sana

UDub Minecraft Chairman & Lead of UDub Minecraft Virtual Commencement

UDub Minecraft Graduating Class of 2020

This has been long awaited! We are so sorry for making you wait but here we would like to appreciate and recognize our wonderful graduating Class of 2020! Scroll down to see the names, major, and quote of our 104 UDub Minecraft Graduates. Alphabetically by first name. Link to the full list of names and descriptions here! Also, link to graduation pics!

Aaron Jacobson (UltGuardian)

Computer Science & Public Policy - At least this way I don't have to wake up early.

Abhyudaya Gupta

Electrical Engineering - Be Apple - You Are Your Only Opponent

Anant Rajeev (anantr98)

Informatics, Data Science - How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard?

Andrew Wei (watthere)

Psychology - Whoever said nothing is impossible has obviously never tried to staple water to a tree.

Anton Bezruchkin (rentyydrip)

Electrical Engineering - School is cool.

Aritzia Lousef

Electrical Engineering - Space echoes like an immense tomb, yet the stars still burn. Why does the sun take so long to die?

Armaan Sood (Measle)

Computer Science + Math - Do what you want

Bao Vo (Belaknin)

Earth and Space Sciences - Raid shadow legends, join now for free

Bisho Darra (BishoD)

Materials Science & Engineering - Thanks for the mental illnesses UW (forreal, it's been a pleasure folks).

See you in another life brotha.

Brandon Hong

CSE, English, Informatics - should've graduated in 2019

Carson Valente

Civil Engineering - gg

Chinmay Upadhye (machineking20)

Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering, Applied Physics - This was an interesting experience.

Chris Neitman (SenorNightham)

Mechanical Engineering - It's been great building with all of you these last few weeks, both this and school this last quarter have been one hell of a ride. Everyone has done fantastic work here and at UW, and I wish everyone success in whatever life may bring them after graduation.

Claire Kantner (clairedycat)

Interaction Design - Congrats everyone! We made it :)

Collin Tasaka (c221)

Mechanical Engineering - being jobless > being boundless

Conrad Ciszek (Harpe20)

Mechanical Engineering - in chegg i trust

Daryl Hurwitz

Mechanical Engineering - Having a research and a minor is better than honors

Difan (Tiffany) Zhao

Communication, Cinema and Media Studies - Sean, thank you for always supporting me and making me the happiest girl on earth. I look forward to our next adventure! <3 :D

Divya Kunda

Biology B.S. - "Live fast, die young/Bad girls do it well" -M.I.A., "Bad Girls"

Drew Gallardo

Informatics - Should've graduated in 2019

Dylan Majewski (NormLWinchester)

Civil Engineering - It was the blursed of times

Eileen Chang

ACMS - be boundless af

Emma Lii

Sociology/International Studies - Thank you to the Lord Himself, Ma, Ba, Jie, & the Newman Center! Without you I'd be bai gaa fo/zao gao

Eric Nakassa

School of Art + Art History + Design (Industrial Design) - Move out east.

Erik Nielsen (erikster46)

Business (Information Systems and Operations & Supply Chain Management) - Work for Boeing - Supply Chain Contracts

Erika Ramos

English - Would've preferred less crying and caffeine

Erika Enomoto

Information Management - Eat, pray, love

Frank Ge

Geography - A strike of genius is from the hands of the enthusiast.

Gabriel Epstein

Political Science - MUN or Die! The Zoomvolution will be livestreamed!

Gargi Sivaram (TheSachCloud)

BS. Biochemistry - UW Street Fair

Godgiven Grogan

Informatics - STEM majors need to be less toxic

Gordon DeLap

Geography and Mathematics - Graduating during a pandemic has truly been a boundless experience.

Hana Long (hoena)

International Studies (Asia) and Minor in Diversity - At least I get to walk the stage in Minecraft

Hang Zou

Business - Graduation school

Hyunsung Kim (Kimcheeboy)

Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology - "Don't trade your authenticity for approval" -Kanye West

Isabelle Shinn (iophiel)


Ishan Narula (undercoverindian)

Computer Science - ayyyyyyyyyy lmaoooooo

Jack W. Ma

Electrical and Computer Engineering - Wouldn't have want it any other way.

Jacob Dechynne (HighSpeed420)

Public Health B.S. - ‘Threats to freedom of speech, writing, and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect, and unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen.’ -Orwell

Janae Chan

Computer Science, Bioengineering - Thank you to my friends who carried me through classes <3

Jeeyoung Kim (mistahbraveen)

Informatics - not sure yet

Jessica Walls

English - Grateful to my xbox friends during these times!

Jessica Basa

Computer Science - Thank you so much to my mom, dad, siblings, aunts, uncles, and friends for your love and support. I couldn't have done it without you! Love you all!

Jinae Powell (TechE23)

Engineering - Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics - I hope to work in simulations or testing at Kenworth.

John Tumenbayar (Andurath)

Information School, Informatics - Human Computer Interaction - It is what it is.

John Taggart (JackInTheXbox11)

Computer Science - Hey now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play

Hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid

All that glitters is gold (and purple)

Only shooting stars break the mold

Jonah Cortezzo

B.S. in Computer Science - System.out.println("Hello Real World");

Jordan Rosales

Oceanography - "Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth"-JFK

Justin Johnson

Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering - Thank you to my friends and family!

Karine Chen (BabiiMuffin)

MSA&A - The next quote is the truth!

Keith Roberts (super_beagles)

Informatics - Black Lives Matter

Kev Ge (keveon)

School of public health, hihim - be boundless af

Kevin Tu (OrbitalLattice5)

Mechanical Engineer - should have been a chem major...

Kim Luu (boeing_777x)

Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering - ayyy whatup

Lecheng Yang (lecheng)

UDub Minecraft - More and more money

Lexi Oblad

Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology - Thank you to everyone who helped make this graduation possible!

Lirui Wang

University of Washington - Be Boundless!

Luana Paleologu

Microbiology, MCD biology - N/A

Lucas Street (LuminousFlux)

Applied Physics - No lollygagging.

Madi Moon

Biology - What’s up you cool babies?

Mason Lim (MasInYoFace)

Music - Music Education - Go HMB! GO DAWGS!

Matthew Suhy (BeefyMS98)

Electrical Engineering - It is rocket science!!!

ill try to be on later

Max Andreasen (Maxalottotheleft)

Psychology - Sad to be leaving. Excited to get the hell out.

McKinnon Williams

Computer Science - Looks like this worked out better than UW's graduation.

Melissa Arima

Foster School of Business™ (Marketing) - Lived as a meme and going out as one. WOOF (also shoutout to my people, y'know who u are)

Michelle Liu

UDub Minecraft - be boundless af

Mike H. (calebellington)

Computer Science, Bioengineering - Momma ain't raise no b**** - momma

Mily Nguyen

BA in Microbiology - Thanks, myself and all of you! Weeeeeee did it together! At last~ [^//w//^] **MILY = Mily I Love You**

Miranda Howe (fuzzlequeen)

Biochemistry & Biology (MCD) - Thanks to all the people from DAWGMA, the Hydra research team (freshwater cnidarians, aka anemone relatives), and the Newman Center for getting me through these past four years and making them fun. Special thanks to my parents and sister for loving and supporting me.

Miriam Al

Biochemistry - You can’t have success without failure

Nathan Spencer (overlordnate)

School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, Media and Communications - Imagine unironically graduating college in 2020

Neil Skilton (lien123)

Mechanical Engineering - Grape Tea 'till I Die

Nguyen Duong

Computer Science - "If at first you don't succeed; call it version 1.0"

Nick Sandoval (nicksand25)

Business - I paid close to a $100,000 for a Minecraft session.

Ofelia Torres

School of Public Health, Public Health-Global Health - Remote summer research position, attending graduate school in the fall.

Olivia Bannerman

Medical Anthropology and Global Health - Best times at UW were definitely spent on The Ave w delicious cheap food and good friends :)

Owen Woelper (lolatyou247)

Political Science - Go Navy

Paloma Silva

School of Public Health, Public Health - Global Health - I've never fallen on red square and I live by that.

Qingyu Guo

Science. Biochemistry and Chemistry - Apply to medical schools

Rio Ishii

Informatics - Fk covid

Ruby Li (rubatious)

"Psychology and Sociology - It is important to draw wisdom from many different places - Uncle Iroh

Best experience at UW: Meeting Caleb Ellington on the first day of school."

Ryan Leung (ryrytio)

Geography - I took the Lord of the Rings class without reading the series and got a 3.9. Anything is possible, my friends. Love y'all.

Samuel Buxton

B.S. in Informatics - "Udub doesn't care about your feelings"

Santina Marco

School of Public Health, Masters of Health Administration - "How the hell did I do that?" - Timequake, Kurt Vonnegut

Sarah King (proteinguy)

College of the Environment, Earth and Space Sciences - sr quote is work hard eat big get swole black lives matter

Savanna Yee (OofByInduction)

Computer Science, Informatics (concentration in HCI) - Is all that we see or seem but a meme within a meme? (Modified from Edgar Allen Poe)

Sean Griffin (slugjuice14)

Mathematics - "It matters little who first arrives at an idea, rather what is significant is how far that idea can go." - Sophie Germain

Shakeel Khan (SirButPirate)

Informatics - Get a job :C

Spencer Olson (smo1998)

Civil Engineering - Chill for 6 weeks until I start my real job

Stephen Scharkov (10sTowardsChaos)

Mechanical Engineering - If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading

Stone Kaech (Chesdude1)

College of Arts and Sciences: Geography - Frat got a cat, frat went bankrupt, I was left with the cat, would do it again.

Taylor Flaherty

Information Technology - Shoutouts to the UW Electronic Music Producers Club!

Theresa Ambat (triceswag)

College of Arts & Sciences, Individualized Studies - I love Jesus

Tina Chi

Construction Management - Go Dawgs! 💜💛🐾

Tushar Lakhanpal

Civil Engineering - I would like to thank my family, and friends for supporting me through this journey!

Vanessa Cheang

Chemical Engineering - Find a job!

Victoria Pang


Vineeth Sai

Information School, Informatics - "You win some, you lose some but make sure you win more"

William Kim (wally00222)

Computer Science - im out

Winston Park (6zV)

Mechanical Engineering - What Happens in Japan stays in Japan

Yaqing Wang (xblack97)

Business, Finance&MIS - JUST LET ME GO

Yiwen Niu (YiwenN)

Psychology / Cinema and media study - Maybe I'll make a real movie one day.

Yuchem Wang

Engineering - Exploring the word

Zichuan Han (rickchaotmnb)

School of Art + Art History + Design,Visual Arts - Pursuing my master degree in Finance at JHU